Monday 17 January 2011

G321 Initial Notes

We were thought about the differences between OPENINGS and TRAILERS.

I then went onto analyse two openings of films, looking into different areas such as Genre, Narrative, Character, Atmosphere, Themes, Setting, Sound and Titles.

This is the opening to the film 'Catch Me If You Can' (2002)

First we were asked to make notes on only one area. Mine was Setting, these are the notes I collected on this area.
Fast life- Airplanes, leaving and running away
City- Big city dreams. Most likely New York/America due to the yellow cabs
Beaches- sunny holidays, getting away
Dark room- the character has been caught, in a police type room.

I then went on to take a few notes on all of the areas-
Genre- Action/ Fast paced- Light touch
Narrative-Tells story of whole film. Iconography
Character- Sneaky- one is running, one is catching
Atmosphere- Chase, excitement
Themes- Wealth, chase, identity, disguise
Setting- Past/retro, american, airport
Sound- Retro, upbeat/fast
Titles- EARLY, range of jobs and cast, specific order

This is the opening of a film called 'My Best Friends Wedding' (1997)

These were the notes I took on this clip
Genre- Romantic Comedy
Narrative- Wedding- will go wrong, hints are in the song
Character- Main woman- Bride, best friends, groom
Atmosphere- Funny, girlie, loving
Themes- Friendship, wedding, happiness, men, iconography
Setting- will be a wedding, churches. Studio, enough information, funny 1950s musical
Sound- Song, do it or bad. Dietetic- keeping man
Titles- Smooth font, handwritten. Early JULIA ROBERTS

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