Friday 28 January 2011

25/01/11 Filming

Our grouped had to finish the three storyboards and the three shot lists. The storyboards had to include simple drawings of each shot in the clip. The shot lists we made had to including things like scenes, shots, description (how the names appeared) actors, makeup, locations and equipment needed.
After finishing these we were able to have a camera and start filming straight away. As our group were organised enough we finished the storyboards and shot lists before the lesson. Our group have chosen to do these three films:                 Juno, The Strangers and Vertigo
Out of our group I was responsible for making the Storyboards for Juno and The Strangers. the lesson before filming, our group decided together that we would spilt up into twos, Scott Collins and myself would film Juno. The girls would film Vertigo and we would film The Strangers together. This is why i made the storyboards for Juno and the strangers, as i would need to know Juno well enough to film it from scratch.
                   This is my storyboard for Juno
                   This is my storyboard for The Strangers
In the first lesson of filming, we teamed up as a whole group, this went against our plan as we were going to film The Strangers as a group but the weather stopped us from doing so as it was extremely cold and wet. As we were well prepared we were able to film Juno there and then. We used the whiteboard to attach our scenes to and each person had a certain job to do. I am glad we ended up doing Juno together as even though it doesn't look the best, it was most enjoyable and we were able to work well as a group and we were all able to comment on the Juno opening sequence and see what was the best thing to do. I'm also glad we filmed together first as we were able to get into our comfort zones with each other. this made me confidant in my group for the rest of our films.

I feel we were very prepared in making our first film, as we brought in all the right equipment including Barbie dolls, for our cartoon Juno and runners. And we created backgrounds, with A3 paper and thick black pen. By simply copying the backgrounds,. we were able to focus more on the camera angles and the editing this way. This was made the weekend before so none of us were worried about the lesson and we were ready to film. This enabled us to finish our filming in less than two hours we were given. Letting us then go onto start editing before anyone else.

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