Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Film Diary

This is a short synopsis of the days we filmed our opening sequence and who filmed on what day. This is helpful as it enables us to create a more detailed Diary on our group blog and will help me when i am writing my evaluation.

Our whole group met at Charlotte Morrisons house to film the first actor Paige Lyons, we met at charlottes as we had to film two actors in this location. We all started by filming Paige, some bits without Scott Collins as he was the only male and we wanted Paige to bemost comfertable. After filming all of Paiges shots we waited for next actor Stuart to meet us at Charlottes.
We were then able to film all of Stuarts shots including him coming out of the door. This all went very well and was a lot quicker than Paiges filming. As Staurt is a brother of Bob, another actor of ours he was able to walk us to his house. This was convieniant as we felt less rude by going alone. Also as it wasnt our house only Scott Collins and myself went as we didnt want to over crowed someone elses house.

We then filmed again on Monday
Myself, Charlotte Morrison and Devon Dalton spent one of our free lessons and lunchtimes to go film paige Lyons coming out of her front door. We had to shcedule this as we had to find a time Paige was free and also when Devon was free as we were using her front door as it was closest to school
Myself and Charlotte also filmed after school this day, as we were using my location we couldn't fit all three of the boys and all four of our group. i think this was annoying for the other people in our group but nothing could realyl be done. we filmed the boys walking down the street and Tom getting ready this day.

During the week, we rewatched what we had filmed and started to pick out the shots we were going to use and started to edit. When doing this we realised we would have to refilm Bobs shots as they were overly orange tinted and they didnt match with the rest of the film. Charlotte and Scott went to refilm these shots one day after school as they were the only ones that were able to make it that day.

Also during that week we realised that we hadn't filmed our institution lgo even though we had planned it all. This properly took the longest time as we werent 100% sure how we were going to make it work. as only Charlotte and myself filmed that day this was a lot harder and ended up taking about 3 hours instead of 1 or 2 it would have taken if at least one other person was willing to help us.

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