As we filmed all of our shots early, we were able to check them over on the Mac and see if they were up to the standard we wanted them. We also collected some feedback on them and from this we were able to make our film better by re-filming certain parts.
The feedback we got was mostly positive and our main issue was with the lighting. This was inevitable to be a problem as this was the part I found the hardest to get right when filming. the worst part was Bobs shots. as we use the unnatural lights it gave the shot a orange tint. when we were filming this wasn't that noticeable but after watching back we realised we would have to do it again. This wasn't hard to re-film as the actor was willing to re-film whenever he could. Although saying this it was hard to find a time when he wasn't busy and we were only able to film him on the Thursday, only leaving the Friday to check it in case we had to re-film once more. Thankfully the second time filming worked really well and we knew we could use this in our final piece.
We also had trouble with lighting again with Paige's shot coming out of her front door. The sun was just to bright and there was a lot of exposure on her. As her costume is very light (pink top and light blue jeans) she looked completely white in the camera. This really didn't work as the edges of the door were white and as she walks past she simply disappears. As we had already used everyone's front doors, we realised we wouldn't be able to re-film in a different location. This limited us and as a group we had to come up with another idea. We thought about filming out of a back door. This was a good shot, but the only problem I that there was very limited space, so we ended up filming it as a mid-shot instead of a long shot. Although this isn't what we planned, I think it works as when your watching the opening, the female actor stands out slightly more. Which is important to show to the audience as she is the basis of the film.
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